Back to the (Communication) Basics.

Communication encompasses a myriad of elements. From the words that we say, to the expression on our face, or the way we are sitting upright, communicating is a lot more than considering which words will be best strung together for comprehension sake.

Image from Lee Campbell

Image from Lee Campbell

As we navigate working from home, video-calling, and bad connections, we are faced with new communication hurdles. Your screen may freeze on you with a half-way (seemingly displeasing) stare, or your calling app may need an update causing tardiness and an interruption several minutes into a meeting. Amidst all of this, we need to remember that listening, now more than ever, is an integral part of communication.

If there’s one flop we can all relate to (guilty or not), it’s talking over each other. Especially in a virtual working environment. Add in some background noise, people beeping in and out, or a long-winded talker, and you have yourself a challenging circumstance to ensure effective communication.

The owner of each meeting must be present and taking an active part in spreading the “spotlight.” It takes effort to see who has a question (fortunately, the chat feature works well for building up a queue if there is not an opportunity to verbally interject). The point for this post is less about meeting management – although I can cover that in coming weeks – it is about active listening. While listening is particularly important for managers, it is a lost skill for many of us.

Are you pausing to speak to allow another person to finish their thought, or are you barging ahead to say your piece? Are you thinking about what you will say next (or about what’s for dinner), or are you internalizing the words that are being spoken?

As a painless starting point, ask yourself the aforementioned questions. Can you be a better listener? With a slight increase in effort, our prolonged WFH life can be a little less of a communicative calamity.

First posted to LinkedIn.

Leading Amidst Challenge

It’s no surprise to anyone that our world has changed. Notably, the way we conduct business and communicate. COVID-19 has undeniably adjusted how companies govern and the virus has been a source of stress for families – from unemployment to a fear of falling ill, emotions have stirred over these past four months.


As many companies looked to cut costs, headcount reduction was sizable. What’s more, teams were stretched thin regardless of an unchanged workload. When considering how to lead through a challenge, it is more amply clear than in previous taxing situations, how stress and limited resources can affect leadership. In observing team and management behavior, here are fundamental reminders for how to lead amidst challenge. 


If you have a mentor, you know it takes work. Not only from the recipient to be receptive, but from the mentor: to engage, listen, and offer advice. As a leader, we must realize that it is our turn to pay that mentorship forward and actively engage – answering hard questions and offering support in difficult times.                                                                       


I learned an important lesson during COVID: increased workload decreases the ability to govern effectively. This is why witnessing leaders through crises is a truth serum for their core self. Leaders are fully challenged when resources are scraggly, tensions are high, and economic fear ensues. In order to persevere, to remain constant, and to not spiral out of control, we must practice self-care. Daily meditation, exercise, and actively facing our own shortcomings is the path to ensuring that your team is cared for. Liken this to putting on an oxygen mask in a plane when needed; you cannot help others if you do not have an oxygen supply for yourself.

Recognition + Communication.

When a challenge is staring us in the face, we often focus on the task at hand, pushing personal feelings and emotional baggage aside. This, I argue, will only exacerbate discontentment, fuel hostility, and remove effective communication. The responsibility falls on you to pause, recognize your team for the work they are doing, and not take a back seat to communication. Easier said than done, I get it. But make an active decision, daily, to hear your team and resist the urge to put tasks before relationships, even if your day-to-day workload has increased exponentially.

Need a Differentiator? Master EQ.

If you think about it, what is the common thread throughout all business?  People.

Emotional intelligence is defined in a myriad of ways, but the short and sweet version: it is the ability for a person to be aware of their feelings and others, while also controlling emotions, being thoughtful with responses.

Pixabay: urban street

Whether we are communicating with a family member, or a Fortune 100 company, understanding others, acting empathetically, and adjusting for the environment is 

Positivity Meets Reality: The world is not perfect, no. Far from it in fact. Yet, positive people often lift those up around them and approach issues as opportunities. When people are able to take challenges or obstacles and look at them for what they are - challenging but not life-threatening – the positive outlook perseveres.

Stress Management:  How do you manage your stress? Whether someone cuts you off on the highway or smacks you in the face with an umbrella (more common in NYC), that is no reason to let your day unravel. I propose: be aware of your frustration, recognize it for what it is, accept it, and move on. Deep breathing helps (as does some intense exercise!).

Take note: Facial expressions and body language speak loudly. If someone is avoiding eye contact or shifting their weight, is the conversation worth having? Or, is someone beginning to stir with anger? Being aware of others’ behaviors and body language can help circumvent heightened arguments or can save time. Hold the challenging discussion for time all parties can be attentive and thoughtful.

Higher EQ supports team alignment, reduces conflict, lowers stress, and fuels the positivity tank. Unsurprisingly, positive spins result in proactivity and solution-focused perspectives, as opposed to reactivity (its evil twin).

Keep fighting the good fight!

First published on LinkedIn

Does Empathy Belong in the Workplace?

You better believed it.

Empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Research has found that empathy can help increase trust and, in my opinion, trust is the lifeline for teams. What’s more, according to empathy experts, we can harness empathy to increase productivity.

Pixabay: People collage

We have all experienced the frustration of a team member not completing his or her assigned duties. In these cases, it is typical to assume a team member does not care about the work or is disengaged. However, what if that is not the reason? What if there is a family or life scenario that is causing deadlines to be missed?

The natural outcome of a missed deadline is harsher scrutiny on the employee. A varied approach suggests that there is value in seeking to understand what is occurring in a person’s personal life. It is possible a less favorable situation is being faced, and that provides an opportunity for other team members to assume additional responsibility (within reason and for an agreed upon time). The goal here is not to make excuses for anyone; it is to encourage the team to function as a team – allowing the team member who is undergoing difficulty an opportunity to be transparent. [Have you ever noticed how quick we are to point fingers? Rewriting this narrative may be challenging, but it yields powerful outcomes.]

To this point, a manager has the opportunity to commence an empathetic cycle by putting the feedback loop in motion. The first step is to inquire. It is common employees who are underperforming know that they are and are fearful of discussing the topic. Posing the question, “How are things going for you?” may present a moment of candor – opening the lines of communication, rather than assuming a person is actively trying to underperform.

Human behavior can be very predictable; when someone pushes, the natural response is to push back. But, when a manager demonstrates care for employees – dedicating time and energy to understand perspectives or challenging scenarios – it deescalates situations that could otherwise have been time exhaustive. Employees pick up on the ability for a manager to extend care and empathy, which, in return, generates higher functioning teams, saves on lost productivity, and enables incomparable trust.

Is there a need for increased empathy in your place of work? Contact me.

First published on LinkedIn.